A River Runs Through It

By | 6:33 AM Leave a Comment

Acrylic and mixed media on wood panel

This painting has been reworked from an older painting from "Off The Grid" series.

‘A River Runs Through It’ is created for you to immerse yourself in a world of circles, lines, shapes and mark making as they reveal their inner secrets. This painting explores the subtle balance between order and chaos, darkness and light, structure and freedom, within the large format composition.

This is mixed media abstract and acrylic painting on a large wood panel. My process involves building up layers of paint and collage as I express myself emotionally. I work on multiple pieces at one time exploring the same idea or theme in different ways. Working on many pieces at once gives me liberty to express myself freely without getting too controlling at an early stage. As I am working, each painting speaks to me differently. It is important to allow each painting to evolve naturally. When the meaning or idea emerges, I start to make decisions about color and composition to bring the work to completion.

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