Looping Around SOLD

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Looping Around

Acrylic and mixed media on canvas

12" x12"


So many times I find that an old canvas provides fresh new inspiration! This was an older canvas where I have created a raised pattern with a new medium - molding paste - and then I fell in love with the pattern and could not move past that. So I put it aside.
Then a few days ago on a cleaning spree I found it and decided to be brave and ‘kill my darling’ pattern. Saving some of it and painting white over the rest. That opened up a host of opportunities. The rest is history as they say.
So many lessons in this story!!!
1. Make a lot of work to allow your skills to catch up with your aesthetic.
2. Be patient
3. Build in layers
4. Enjoy the process and fall in love often
5. Try new things

On another note i will be selling my paintings at LexArt open studios event on May 20 and 21, 2023.

Please visit if you are in the area.

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