Large contemporary painting
22" x 28"
Watercolor and acrylic on paper
This is a large, professionally framed, contemporary painting of a dancing Ganesh. Lord Ganesh is the “God of Beginnings” and “Remover of Obstacles.” His cosmic dancing form provides a different experience to the viewer and using bright and "happy" colors exudes joyous grace and dignity. The keri/mango/paisley design in the background signifies memories, heritage and friendship.
This painting is up for auction this weekend to raise money for a very good cause Vision Aid. 100% of proceeds will go to support the programs for the visually impaired. Vision-Aid, a 501 (c) (3) for the past fifteen years is working to empower the visually impaired to live with independence and dignity. Their mission is to ‘Enable - Educate - Empower’ the visually impaired.